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Meet us 9th - 10th September @ Swiss Medtech Lucerne

Welcome to Titanex – Your Premier Destination for Specialty Metals

Embarking on our journey in 1994, Titanex has consistently provided unparalleled expertise and service to the medical, aerospace, and space sectors. Established in 1997, our company was born from a commitment to deliver superior quality products and exceptional service to our esteemed clientele. The Titanex Business Operation Manual is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and ongoing enhancement within a secure framework.
Rest assured, every material we offer is backed by a 100% certification to globally recognized standards, predominantly ASTM and AMS.
Dive into our extensive selection of specialty metals, which includes titanium, tantalum, tungsten, niobium, molybdenum, zirconium, among others. Reach out to us now for a complimentary estimate or to schedule a bespoke consultation tailored to your needs.

Titanex - Specialities

»We are amazed by the richness and easy to find technical information on Titanium, Tantalum, Niobium, Molybdenium, Zirconium and Tungsten this web site provids!«

»We continue to think of you when we are faced with new challenges, and your newsletter is a welcome source of information and inspiration.»

Andreas Fluekiger - owner of Titanex GmbH31 Years of Global Business Expertise at Your Service. When you reach out to us, you're engaging with seasoned mechanical engineers. We encourage you to bring forth any specialized technical inquiries you may have. It's our pleasure to provide you with the answers you need.

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Successful surfing!
Andreas Flükiger
CEO Titanex GmbH

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